Tuesday, May 18, 2010

And there's no escaping.

I’m no more or no less a freak than anyone else. In a sense, we’re all freaks. In that we do weird and strange things. I’m assuming that’s the nature of human beings. Doesn’t matter whether we perform as freaks individually. Or collectively. It’s all one big freak show. Just tune in TV. And read the newspaper. Or listen to the radio. Or look around. We focus largely on freakish occurrences. Things that seem a little bit out of the ordinary. But fact of the matter is that they are ordinary. Murder. Mayhem. Political raving and ranting. Oil spills. Celebrity antics. We emphasize the crazy. Report the lunacy. Because that’s what we are all about. We’re living in a giant insane asylum. We are inmates. Freaks. And there’s no escaping. Unless we leave the planet Earth. And start all over. –Jim Broede

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