Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Till the end of time.

Once upon a time, I thought I wanted to be sane. But now I know better. I was put on Earth to live an insane existence. An insane life. Think of it. I am to test the limits of life. To be anything I like. To shape myself. To determine my essence. And I've been given an indeterminate amount of time. It could have ended yesterday. Or tomorrow. One never knows. That's the thrill of it all. Living now. I'm never in the past or the future. I'm now. Always have been. Always will be. Even when I'm no more. I'm my own forever. And I've determined that I want to live it all crazily. Savoring every precious moment. In bliss. In ecstasy. In rapture. In love with it all. That takes an act of insanity. And imagination. And that's what I'm doing. Truly living. Insanely. Till the end of time. --Jim Broede

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