Thursday, May 20, 2010

Black faces. Yes, that kind.

I have to smile. That is, when Tea Party stalwarts deny they're racists. Take Rand Paul, the Republican nominee for a U.S. senate seat in Kentucky. He admitted in an interview that he has misgivings about portions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Particularly the prohibition against racial discrimination by private businesses. As if they should be allowed to do as they damn well please. Simply because they're private. Well, that got lots of reaction. Especially from liberals like me. Anyway, Paul has now backed off a bit. And declared that he wouldn't support repeal of any portions of the Civil Rights Act. But the fact that he disagrees with a vital/key part of the legislation raises suspicion that he's really a racist. Anyway, I think the Tea Party has been infiltrated by many racists. I'm still looking for black faces at Tea Party rallies. Haven't sighted one yet. But then, it wouldn't surprise me if the Tea Party decides to sponsor a Minstrel Show. To prove that it welcomes black faces. Yes, that kind. --Jim Broede

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