Friday, May 28, 2010

I'm too busy to go to work.

Once upon a time, I thought I wanted to work forever. Yes, to be gainfully employed. Right up to the day that I die. Yes, I actually liked to work. But now that I've been retired for close to 12 years, I'm spoiled. Never again do I want to go back to work. Of course, I would. If I needed the money. But I can live on my retirement income. That's good enough for me. I'm not tempted to go back to work so that I can have more money. It's more important to have time. Free time. To do what I want. To just plain goof off, if I so choose. I earned my living by writing. For newspapers. Interesting that I never gave up writing. I write more now than when I was working. But now I write strictly for pleasure. And I just focus on being me. A romantic idealist. A free-thinker. A liberal. A lover. That takes all my time. I'm too busy to go to work. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

I certainly wouldn't want to go back to work writing for newspapers. Newspapers have become too much capitalist ventures. Strictly out to make money. There were many exceptions to that rule when I first got into newspapering in the 1960s. But now the exceptions are very, very rare. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

If one pursues something strictly for money, it's bound to be corrupting. --Jim