Friday, May 7, 2010

The inherent human right to war.

We humans have made great technological advances. Which make for a more comfortable life. But we're still toying at finding and implementing advances in human behavior. For instance, we haven't yet eliminated the need and desire for war. We still wage wars. And in more destructive ways, I suppose. Because we apply our new-found gadgets and weapons. And we even have the ability to wipe out huge numbers of lives. In a matter of seconds. And now even solitary individuals can find ways to kill large masses of people. With bombs. And biological agents. And big governments are even helpless in trying to stop some crazed individuals. The rules of war have changed. To make it far easier to go to war. In the USA, we don't even need a formal declaration of war. And instead of wars on nations, we declare wars on terrorism. Or whatever. Substitute any word. Drugs. Obesity. Ah, yes, war is fashionable. Everybody has an opportunity to declare his/her own personal war. It's become part of human nature. An inherent human right. To wage war. --Jim Broede

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