Monday, May 24, 2010

Makes me feel independent.

I like to cultivate opinions. About virtually any and everything. That means I'll ruffle a few feathers. Because some people won't like my point-of-view. Which is tough. That's their problem. Not mine. I'm amazed that some people would take umbrage with me. For having an opinion. After all, that's all it is. An opinion. I'm not foisting it on anyone. It's simply take it or leave it. I especially like to hold unpopular opinions. Makes me feel more independent. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

I'm reading a book. A novel. Called 'Jesus Tales.' By Romulus Linney. A playwright. It's an unconventional take on the life of Jesus. Gives Jesus a sense of humor. Likes to play practical jokes. On his followers. Not the least being Peter. Yes, imagine Jesus as witty and playful and fond of jokes. --Jim