Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oh, such an awful battle cry.

I like the idea of a regulated economy. Maybe even heavy regulated. Whatever it takes to bring rampant and greedy capitalism under control. Because capitalism ain't gonna regulate itself. It means that government has to step in. And become the regulator. I know that in America, Republicans abhor such an idea. After all, they are the party of 'no' and corruption. They want the rich to become richer. Even if that means making the poor poorer. It's obscene. But then, America was built on a foundation of obscenity. Actually, on a slave economy. On exploitation of the masses of people. For the benefit of the elite few. The money-grubbers have always had an advantage in America. They hold the real power. Because money buys influence. And ultimately, power. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people believe the capitalist bullshit lingo. That only in a capitalist society are the people truly free. And that socialism is inherently bad. Because it takes away freedom. Yes, it does. Takes away the freedom of the captalist to exploit the masses. The last thing the greedy capitalist wants is a society that serves the common good. Instead, the capitalist wants a government that serves the good of the individual capitalist. And to hell with the common good. Oh, such an awful battle cry. --Jim Broede

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