Friday, May 21, 2010

On practicing the American way.

I'm very liberal when it comes to immigration policy. About as liberal as one can get. And I know that annoys some people. But that's my intent. Somebody has to defend the liberal approach. And it might as well be me. I'm sure I won't get my way. But hey, there's no harm in standing up for illegal immigrants. For giving them a break. Because I think the vast majority of 'em are fine and decent people. Even if they've evaded the current immigration laws. I'd encourage them to become U.S. citizens. Without deporting 'em. Give 'em a break. And I'd compliment them for wanting to live in the U.S. Because it gives them a better opportunity at life than in the country they came from. Oh, some of you will say, 'Well, then let 'em come legally. Follow the rules. Be patient. Stand in line.' That sounds good. But still, I want to make it easier than that for the illegal immigrants. The ones that see an immediate opportunity. That have found jobs. And established families here. And are acting like good citizens. That is, other than by breaking immigration laws. Laws that I consider too strict. So yes, I'd look the other way. In the American tradition. We Americans look the other way and violate laws of all sorts on a daily basis. Traffic laws. Civil rights laws. Tax laws. You name it. We're a nation of lawbreakers. And many of us get away with it. So, dear illegal immigrants, you are practicing the American way. Congratulations. --Jim Broede

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