Saturday, May 8, 2010

They've never learned to laugh.

I get annoyed with people. Certain people. Not many. Very few, really. And I think that's because I've learned patience. I don't get angry any more. Just a little annoyed. And in many instances, I have no power to control other people. So I have to accept them. As they are. Oh, I can often ignore them. Especially if I know them only from a distance. Such as a politician in Washington. Or even my congresswoman right here in Minnesota. I try to respect her right to be a lunatic. An ignoramus. A laughingstock. Really, I've learned to laugh at people that used to annoy me. And the laughter lets off endorphines that make me feel good. No longer annoyed. I have also gained a greater appreciation and respect for people who make a living as comedians. I think that's a very reputable profession. I know that some comedians annoy people. With their jokes. But they deserve to be annoyed. Because they lack a sense of humor. They've never learned to laugh. And that's awfully funny. --Jim Broede

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