Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We're just plain stuck.

I have a bad feeling about America's role in Afghanistan. As if our presence will make a positive difference. It won't. Because Afghans will ultimately do as they please. Or more likely, as Afghan's president, Hamid Karzai, pleases. And he and his cronies are corrupt as heck. So our military action in Afghanistan is more or less meant to fortify the presence of the corrupt Karzai government. In fact, Karzai is suspected of stealing the last election. And his brother is supposed to be a drug trafficker. And why are we in Afghanistan? I guess because terrorists used the remote country as a training ground for the 9/11 attack on the U.S. So here we are. Stuck in a costly war that has lasted 9 years, and counting. And even worse, we're stuck with Hamid Karzai. --Jim Broede

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