Friday, June 25, 2010

Better late than never.

As one gets older, I think there's more inclination to learn how to live one day at a time. Because one becomes aware of running out of time. That nothing lasts forever. Oh, it may seem like forever when one is 20 or 30. But it's different at 74. And I imagine it's probably even more different if one reaches 84 or 94. Maybe that's one of the benefits of the likelihood of approaching death. One feels the physical body wearing out. On the decline. One can't perform quite as well any more. And things ain't likely to get better. But I find that as I descend/ascend into relative old age, life gets better. If for no other reason that I've finally learned to savor the time that's left. To live reasonably close to fully today. And not wait until tomorrow. That's the way I should have been living right from the start. But better late than never. --Jim Broede

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