Thursday, June 10, 2010

Let's bring criminal charges.

I love it. I love it. British Petroleum (BP) has a public relations problem. Little wonder. For spilling oil relentlessly into the Gulf of Mexico. And lord knows when it's gonna stop. Meanwhile, it's all right if BP becomes the most hated corporation in the world. Or at least in the USA. BP executives and shareholders are becoming a bit worried. The value of BP stock is plummeting, down to about half of what it was worth before the spill. Maybe it'll become worthless some day. And the executives will lose their jobs. But CEO Tony Hayward won't be hurting. He's been taking home an annual salary of $4.5 million. That'll tide him over in tough times. I see a report that BP might withhold its annual dividends to shareholders this year. On condition that U.S. government officials tone down their negative rhetoric about BP. Tone down? It's not been nearly negative enough. Let's bring criminal charges. --Jim Broede

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