Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sad facts of life in the USA.

I'm well aware that we need to cut our nation's budget deficit. But there's something even more important. And that's to create more jobs. For the unemployed. To put people back to work. That, more than anything, will revive the economy. So even if we have to go deeper into debt, let's get a public works program going. Because the private sector isn't generating enough jobs. I'm not talking about jobs just to make work. But for improving our fast-deteriorating infrastructure. Really, there's no valid excuse to leave so many people jobless. It's immoral. Mean-spirited Republicans in congress have opposed extension of unemployment insurance. But the same members won't hesitate to give tax cuts to the very rich. It ain't fair. But hey, those are the sad facts of life in the USA. --Jim Broede

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