Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My worst nightmare.

Crap. Crap. Crap. That's the problem with the world. There's so much crap (erroneous information) thrown at us, that some of it sticks. Tell lies often enough and people begin to believe much of it. Just look at what our politicians keep telling us. About why the economy is bad. And who's at fault. Always the other political party. Yes, crap, crap, crap and more crap. We are inundated in crap. It's on the ground. We wade in. And the crap acts like quicksand. Sucking us beneath. We're smothered in crap. Buried in crap. I used to think that we citizens of the world were well-informed. Access to so much information. From all kinds of sources. But we've lost track of how to separate the crap from real fact. Nobody knows any more. The crap comes packaged as fact. And so that's all we look at. The package. And we think it's fact. We allow ourselves to be duped. Used to be that we could identify crap by the smell. The odor. The stench. But the crap is so permeating that it makes everything stink. Oh, I find a safe haven. I go underground. Into the subterranean. By myself. Or maybe one other. Sometimes, I call it a cocoon. But eventually, I have a need to go out. To run errands. To buy food. For the purpose of survival. I waste little time returning to my cocoon. My hideway. I've built it to be crap-proof. But lord knows, maybe it'll spring a leak. And the crap will ooze in. That's my worst nightmare. Crap. Crap. Everywhere. And no place to escape it. --Jim Broede

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