Saturday, June 12, 2010

Little wonder why we are unhappy.

I think there's a wave of unhappiness sweeping across America. Maybe it's that Americans feel insecure. Because of the economy. Or the fact that we have idiots running the country. In government. And in the private sector, too. It's as if nobody knows what he/she is doing. Wall Street bankers are supposed to be the smart ones. But they are greedy. And they virtually bankrupted the economy. By taking absurd risks. With our money. Yes, we taxpayers bailed 'em out. Because we are even bigger idiots than the bankers. We are dupes. And then we let BP Petroleum turn the Gulf of Mexico into a gigantic oil slick. One of the worst environmental disasters of all time. And just watch who ends up paying for the bulk of the clean-up. Yes, we consumers. We taxpayers. Because private enterprise knows how to bilk us all. Even if BP says it's putting up the cash. Yes, cash derived when BP picked our pockets. Little wonder why we're so unhappy. We're saps. --Jim Broede

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