Thursday, June 3, 2010

No good at saving the environs.

Let’s bring rape charges against executives of British Petroleum. For raping the environment. The Gulf of Mexico. And the wetlands along the shores. Maybe the biggest environmental rape of all time. This could be a rape that lasts and lasts. For decades. Maybe even for a century. And to think, BP executives thought they could get away with it. That they could make a few quick bucks. By drilling for oil a mile beneath the sea surface. Sure, it was risky. But what the heck? It was worth a try. Nobody was committing murder. It was merely rape. But hey, wait a second. Some 11 workers on the rig were killed. So maybe it was murder. Of course, all kinds of wildlife will be lost, too. I guess that doesn’t count. Animals. Fish. They ain’t human. Our lives are more important. We’re intelligent. Civilized. We know how to run things. We have the technological know how. To even send spacecraft to Mars. Problem is we’re no good at saving the environment. –Jim Broede

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