Saturday, June 26, 2010

Why? Why? Why?

In a sense, what I'm writing here is a newspaper column. Called Broede's Broodings. It's pretty much what I'd write if I had a daily newspaper column. Reflections. About almost anything. Much of it would be personal. Actually, back in the 1960s I did write a newspaper column called Broede's Broodings. For a weekly newspaper. It was sort of experimental. Offbeat. But it had good readership in the local community. Even today I get an occasional comment about something I wrote 40-some years ago. Because what I wrote affected people. Maybe only one other. Or just a handful. But that's what I wanted. Occasionally, I was invited in to an elementary school class to talk about journalism. And once again, I'd do something. That maybe was memorable. Different. That caught attention. So that when the kid became an adult, he and some of his classmates still remembered it. And maybe even the lesson to be learned. Like I brought an egg into the classroom and then I picked out a kid and smashed the egg on top of his head. Why did I do that? That's the question I asked everyone. Why? That's one of the first questions a good journalist asks. Why? Why? Why? --Jim Broede

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