Thursday, July 1, 2010

Don't fear being brutally honest.

This works for me. But it may not work for others. But when I get a little despondent or out of sorts, I sit down and write. Put into words what's bothering me. I attack it directly. When I have it in words, it's in concrete. Solid. Makes it easier for me to deal with. I think many people that I know tend to stay couped up. They don't let things hang out. So they avoid dealing with problems. Directly. Of course, I may be wrong about that. I'm looking at this from my perspective. I can't get all the way inside other people. Maybe, in part, because they don't open up enough. They tend to be more restrained than I am. I'm not afraid to make an ass or fool of myself. And I'm not fearful of how other people will perceive me. Others are more conservative and discreet in that regard. It's often a matter of their upbringing, their life experience. Nothing wrong with that. They are being themselves. And I accept that. I'm just suggesting that they might deal with some things differently. In order to deal more effectively with their problems. Their issues. They are more concerned about appearances than I am. Again, I have no complaint about that. I still accept them. Like them. Maybe even love them. For whom and what they are. Their so-called foibles really aren't foibles. I see them as attributes. Things that make them unique. All I am saying is, don't be afraid to be brutally honest. With one's self. And with others. --Jim Broede

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