Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Having better things to do.

I think most people are too busy with their lives to really know much about what's going on in the world. They deal with their jobs. And their families. And a few friends. Oh, they'll have opinions. About politics. And a few other mostly inconsequential things. But they don't have time or the inclination to become knowledgeable about anything other than stuff that has an immediate direct impact on their lives. Maybe that's why things happen the way they happen. A relatively few powerbrokers can call the shots. Most of us don't care. Because we lack the time to care. We have other more important things to do. And we aren't interested in becoming powerbrokers. It takes too much gumption. Yes, motivation. Of course, if one is ambitious, and perhaps greedy, one makes the time to manipulate the system and attain power. But it comes at a price. We often have to give up other things. Including people near and dear to us. Just to have the time to pursue power. Many of us have better things to do. --Jim Broede

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