Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I like to talk things out.

Psychologists have varying views. On whether it's a good idea to blow one's top. At least now and then. As I get older, I lose my temper less and less. Maybe it's because I like to be in control of a situation. And if I lose it, I lose control. I'd rather see the people I'm dealing with lose control. Then I can step in. To try to quell things. If I'm annoyed or even bordering on anger, I find ways to stay calm, cool and collected. Sort of like Barack Obama. He's my hero. He sets a good example. I'm sure that Obama gets miffed. But he doesn't let things boil over. He finds positive ways to deal with his emotions. My guess is that he's an easy guy to live with. Because he doesn't take out his frustrations on the people around him. I'm an easy guy to live with, too. Because I like to talk things out. To reach accord and understanding. --Jim Broede

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