Saturday, July 3, 2010

To be right, one must be a leftist.

I've long considered myself outside of the mainstream. On all sorts of political, social and economic issues. Therefore, I think of myself as a minority. Maybe that's why I'm a liberal. Seems to me that liberals tend to stand up for minority rights. More so than conservatives. But maybe I'm wrong about that. After all, many of my opinions are based on impressions. Because facts are often elusive. I'm really feeling my way through life. With limited amounts of information. Actually, defenders of minority rights do so, I suspect, because they identify themselves as minorities. At the moment. If they are in the majority, then they aren't as concerned about minorities anymore. Republicans, for instance, believe in minority rule when they are in the minority, and in majority rule when they are in the majority. They want to have the final word on everything. As if they rule by divine right. Like the old monarchs. To me, it's important to do the right thing. And I find that more often than not, to be right, one must be on the left. --Jim Broede

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