Sunday, July 4, 2010

We're still buying into the bullshit.

When it comes to politics, I think the American people are the most stupid people in the world. So many Americans don't have minds of their own when it comes to politics. They'll believe anything they're told. That black is white. That idiocy is genius. That they really have a say in decisionmaking in Washington. Yes, the American electorate has been lulled to sleep. Put into a trance. Turned into robots. To do the bidding of the powerbrokers. It's almost like herding sheep. They do as they are told. By a few border collies. Quite possibly it's that Americans don't take the time to educate themselves about politics. They're too busy doing other things. Raising families. And making livings. They don't rate politics very high on their agendas. And so they allow themselves to be manipulated. They'll buy almost anything. Even the rantings and ravings of lying politicians. It started right from the founding of the nation. And ironically, we're celebrating the anniversary of our so-called independence today. We really aren't independent. Never have been. That especially goes for black people and women. The ruling elite were always a handful of propertied and affluent white men. Born again liars. Telling us that all men were created equal. And that was supposed to be the founding principle of the American nation. Yes. And we're still buying into that same bullshit. --Jim Broede

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