Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm not gonna shed any tears.

Looks to me like Barack Obama doesn't mind being a one-term president. He'd rather stick to principle than play politics. I like that. Obama insists on being himself. And the presidency doesn't matter all that much. He'll be satisfied with one term. And being America's first black president. He's achieved more than he could ever have wished for. So why seek more? Better to just get on with life. And let a power-crazy, ego-driven Republican move into the White House. Actually, Obama is more than we Americans deserve. We deserved a George Bush. And now we deserve another idiot Republican. To lead us down the path of destruction. America deserves to fail. To become a second-rate nation. I can accept that. Because then justice will be served. Let another more reputable nation become No. 1. I abhor American politics and American-style capitalism. So I'm not gonna shed any tears at our demise. --Jim Broede

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