Monday, August 23, 2010

I'm working on this love thing.

I have been listening to several daughters telling why they do not love their mothers. It's sad. The situations are exacerbated by the fact that the mothers have Alzheimer's. But the dislike for their moms predates the Alzheimer's. Anyway, it makes me wonder if it's easier to find ways to not love rather than to love. Maybe that is the nature of human beings. The reason we have wars. And political disputes. And racial discrimination. Real love, I suppose, is unconditional love. And that makes it hard. I would like to think that the daughters could find one reason to love their mothers for every five reasons not to love. That would be a good start. A way to cultivate a little bit of love. I have a girlfriend. And honestly, I cannot find a single reason not to love her. Oh, she can be stubborn. And moody. But that is just her being herself. I can accept that. Totally. After all, I am not perfect. So I have to allow other people leeway. Especially my true love. And I had differences and disagreements with my mother. Even arguments. But still, I loved her. That was never a problem. I usually find a reason to love someone. Unfortunately, sometimes I don't love enough. I fall dreadfully short. But I am working on it. --Jim Broede

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