Monday, August 23, 2010

Beyond loving.

I like the notion of trying to make friends with one's enemies. But I suspect such an endeavor may be a tragic mistake for Barack Obama. He's a nice guy. And as such, he's tried to make friends with Republicans. Apparently, Obama hasn't learned that Republicans are unmitgated cads. They'd do anything for political gain. Even stab their mother in the back. They have no scruples. I'd rather make a pact with the devil than trust a Republican. Give the devil his due. He isn't as evil as a Republican. In many respects, Obama has forsaken his friends on the left in an attempt to pacify Republicans. But it hasn't worked. Maybe Obama is too much a Christian. He apparently takes seriously the adage, love thy enemy. But to love a Republican -- well, that's asking too much. Even Jesus and god himself couldn't love a Republican. --Jim Broede

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