Monday, September 13, 2010

Away from Piazza Matteotti.

I long thought that living on a piazza in Italy would be ideal. Oh, so romantic. I have been to piazzas, and I was enthralled. By the scenery. The architecture. The aura of a gathering place. My Italian girlfriend lives on a piazza. But she doesn't recommend it. A piazza is a nice place to visit. And to have dinner. Outdoors. To the accompaniment of strolling musicians. But my girlfriend is moving. A few blocks away. In search of tranquility. She's often kept awake until 1 in the morning. By the noise. She's been spoiled. By coming to Minnesota in the summer. To live in peace and quiet. Nothing louder than the call of a loon from off the lake. Beats the sound of karaoke, she says. Anyway, I'll be with her this winter. In Italy. And we're agreed. We'll catch our sleep. Away from Piazza Matteotti. --Jim Broede

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