Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Democrats need Attila the Hun.

I have a problem with Democrats. They are weak-kneed. They don't know how to make their case. Against Republicans. Democrats don't fight back. Or if they do, it's ineffectively. They don't get downright dirty and mean. Democrats go to war, and they are willing to take prisoners. And call a truce. Republicans go to war, and they kill. Everyone. No prisoners. Republicans are ruthless. Democrats are softies. I guess that's the nature of liberals. They like to smell roses and pick daisies. While Republicans like to come out armed with their AK-47s. Blasting away. They don't care if innocent bystanders get mowed down. Their only motive is to win the battle and win the war. To seize power. Any way they can. No holds barred. I'm for Democrats becoming even more ruthless than Republicans. But it won't happen. Their leaders are the likes of Barack Obama. And even Hillary Clinton. Too nice. Far too nice. The Democrats need Genghis Khan or Attila the Hun. That is, if they really want to put Republicans in their place. --Jim Broede

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