Sunday, September 26, 2010

The greatest hoax of all time.

I'm 99 percent convinced that several prominent 'ultra-conservatives' are putting on an act. They really aren't what they appear to be. I have in mind the likes of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter. Their common schticks are so preposterous that it is obvious they can't be real. My guess is that initially, they had no idea that Republicans or anyone for that matter would fall for their line and take it so seriously. They wanted to make everybody laugh by appearing as ignorant conservatives ridiculing liberals. Accusing liberals of every foul thing under the sun. In other words, they made themselves look like babbling idiots. Just for the fun of it. By making one outlandish statement after another. And by saying it's time for America to return to the values of the 18th century, when there was rampant inequality. When slavery was the 'in' thing. And when women knew their place as third-class citizens. Well, these three fake conservatives soon found that real conservatives were dumb enough to take them seriously. To take their comedic acts as serious gospel. When really it's pure bullshit. They quickly discovered that the average IQ of a Republican ranged between that of an idiot and an imbecile. And so they were able to sell their schtick/spiel. And make a ton of money as de facto leaders of the conservative movement. They really are charlatans. Pulling the greatest hoax of all time. --Jim Broede

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