Monday, September 27, 2010

Starting with a dream.

I'd like a society in which everyone that wants to work is able to find work. And at a decent, liveable wage. Is that asking too much? No. It's the right thing to do. Create enough jobs. So that there's work for everyone. I don't care whether they are private or public sector jobs. Whatever works. Certainly, the nation's infrastructure needs repair and expansion. That, alone, wouid put millions of our jobless back to work. And it would be a boost for the economy. And a better life for us all. I want us to try to create an ideal society. We'll never achieve perfection. But hey, let's continually aim at building a better society. I don't like what we have now. Far too many failings. Far too big a gap between the rich and the poor. Let's redistribute some of the wealth for the sake of the common good. If I were in charge, I'd have the government form a Job Corps. With units sprinkled throughout the country. The unemployed could join. And they'd be put to work providing essential services and making much-needed local community improvements. Ah, yes, I'm a dreamer. But that's how big change comes about. Starting with a dream. --Jim Broede

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