Monday, September 27, 2010

Doing what's best for society.

I have ideas. Lots of ideas. To make for a better life. For me. And for others. Mostly, I want to see the serving of the common good. Moves and actions that benefit society as a whole. And I think we start moving in the right direction by redistributing the wealth. Now there's too much wealth concentrated in the pockets of a relatively few people. That ain't right. Might even consider it a sin. Certainly not what the likes of Jesus and many other philosophers have envisioned over the ages. No doubt about it, Jesus was a socialist at heart. Little wonder that he overturned the tables of money lenders. He would have abhored American-style capitalism. And he would have looked at Republicans with high disdain. For wanting to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. We need more a sense of camaraderie. That we are all in this together. And that we much share the burden in society. By helping each other. By doing what's best for society as a whole rather than what's best for the solitary individual. --Jim Broede

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