Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I wonder why people are so mean?

My quibble is with mean-spirited people. There are too many of 'em in this world. And I challenge them sometimes. Right here in my blog. And when I do, I tend to be mean to 'em. And that probably makes me seem mean. And I am. But my meanness is aimed at the mean. I have no qualms about that. I try to never be mean to people who aren't themselves mean. More often than not, it's selfish people who are the meanest. Sort of like Scrooge. And people in power often tend to be mean. Because they like to exercise power. To control other people. Slave owners, for instance, were mean. Even those who acted kindly to their slaves. The fact that they owned slaves made them mean. And inconsiderate. I think America was founded by some very mean people. They institutionalized slavery. And they tried to make women less equal than men. More meanness. The way that Democrats and Republicans treat each other in Congress. What can be more mean than that? I keep wondering why people are so mean. Especially to each other.--Jim Broede

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