Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The last thing we should be doing.

We don't know how to deal with people with mental illness. Or with any kind of mental affliction. Or dementia. Such as Alzheimer's. We take care of our physically ill patients with great understanding. We treat them kindly. With much compassion. But if our patient has mental problems, we lose patience. We don't accept their behavior. As if they could help themselves. When obviously, they can't. Read the Alzheimer's message boards. You'll find all sorts of care-givers who break down. And take out their hostility on their patients. Often, loved ones. Yes, it's a shock and terribly depressing to witness the mental decline of someone. Much easier to accept the physically ill. Because we can talk and reason with 'em. With an Alzheimer patient we can't do that. We become frustrated by the challenge. And we lose it, so to speak. And that's the last thing we should be doing. --Jim Broede

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