Tuesday, September 28, 2010

We're gonna get a taste of hell.

Democrats are worried that their base won't turn out for the mid-term elections in November. Because of apathy. And I understand that. Lots of liberals just give up. They often think it's useless to vote. Because we get the same old same old. Maybe programs a little bit better than those offered by Republicans. But in the end, sad to say, there really isn't all that much contrast between the two political parties. It's a matter of choosing between bad and worse. Yes, choosing between degrees of badness. Liberal Democrats think that their party has betrayed them. Fallen far short of a liberal agenda. But Barack Obama tells them, let's get what we can. Let's try to compromise with Republicans. Even though Republicans insist on playing an obstructionist role. I suspect that many liberals have decided to allow the Republicans to surge into the majority again. By staying home on election day. So the nation can go to hell. Because only then will Americans truly wake up. Life ain't good in hell. But some of us are too dumb to know it. Until we get there. Unfortunately, by then it may be too late to do anything about it. --Jim Broede

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