Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Atheists know more than believers.

A new study shows that many devout Americans know less about religion than do atheists. And that doesn't surprise me. I know atheists who became atheists only after they studied religion. Some of 'em came to the conclusion that organized religions have foundations built on bullshit. Anyway, I've also discovered that many of the atheists I know are, in my opinion, more moral and trustworthy and decent than many professed Christians. That makes me wonder if god might look more favorably toward an atheist than toward an 'imperfect' Christian. I think of myself as a free-thinker. I believe in a concept that might well be called god. Knowing full well that god manifests himself/herself/itself in multiple ways. Many of them unexplainable and beyond human comprehension. I believe only because I want to believe. Probably for romantic reasons. Not based on any solid, indisputable evidence. --Jim Broede

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