Tuesday, September 14, 2010

When tomorrow becomes now.

Funny thing. I want security. A feeling that I am safe. But that's only when I think of tomorrow. The future. If I'm focused just on living today, then I don't worry about safety. Or worry much about anything. Because I am totally immersed in living today. In the moment. I have to resist getting ahead of myself. When I project ahead, I inevitably see trouble. An obstacle. A reason to fret. Or to fear. To become apprehensive. But I'm all right again once I remind myself that I'm living in the now. Always am. I'm never really living in the past or the future. I'm always in the now. So it's ridiculous to try to project myself into the future. It's impossible. Oh, I can imagine the future. But when I'm imagining it, I'm still in the now. I'm never living in the future. People tell me that I should prepare for the future. To think ahead. To set aside a nest egg, for instance. Or to prepare for my death. And I suppose I do. Because I give it some thought. But for the most part, I'm consumed by living today. And I don't deal with tomorrow until tomorow. When tomorrow becomes now. --Jim Broede

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