Thursday, October 14, 2010

I consider myself blessed.

I like being me. There's nobody else I'd rather be. I suppose I could be a better human being. But I also recognize that I'll never achieve perfection. However, I won't stop striving to become better. I'm comfortable with myself. Knowing that I'm a romantic idealist, a free-thinker, a liberal and a lover. I'm also a troublemaker. Yes, I like to stir things up. And I'm trying to become a citizen of the world. Not merely an American. I want to feel at home no matter where I am. My loyalty is to other human beings. Not to a country per se. I'm grateful that I was born. And that I've evolved into an alive and conscious being. Able to pursue happiness. And able to connect with another unique living soul. In a loving way. I have a desire to live forever. And maybe I will. In a spiritual realm. But if not, I'm appreciative of having lived in this instant in time and space. I consider myself blessed. --Jim Broede

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