Saturday, October 23, 2010

I don't have the answer.

I'm always trying to make sense of things. To find meaning. To determine if 2 plus 2 actually comes to 4. Often, it doesn't. But that doesn't faze me. I like the idea that I live in a chaotic world. That it's up to me to find meaning. And purpose. Causes me to withdraw. Into myself. Where I can create my own world. By using my imagination. That's how I discovered love. It's a state of mind. One must be a bit crazy. To fall in love. Helps to be creative. Maybe that's why we call god a creator. Because god invented love. And in order to make his point, god had to create life. The likes of me. The likes of you. And he declared that the purpose of it all was to allow every soul to fall in love. With life itself. No limits. But the sad thing is that some of us choose to -- well, you tell me. Why don't we all choose love? I don't have the answer. --Jim Broede

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