Saturday, October 9, 2010

I'd get smug satisfaction.

Michelle Bachmann. She aint my favorite politician. That's for sure. But in a sense, I gotta admire her. For being able to get elected to congress. In my district. She's a wacko Republlican. In many respects, she's still living in the 18th century. Of course, I'm sure that Bachmann would think I'm wacko. On the left, that is. I'm on one extreme. Bachmann is on the other extreme. We're as far apart as two people can be. On politics. On economic issues. On social matters. The first time Bachmann came to my attention was at a George Bush state of the union address to congress several years ago. As Bush weaved his way through the crowd, Bachmann cut through the masses. Just so she could touch Bush. To make physical contact. As if Bush were a god, and as if she made contact, she'd be blessed. Having touched a diety. Bachmann was caught on camera. Making a fool of herself. Nothing new about that. She excels at being a fool. Yes, she's a natural born fool. Enamored with the likes of George Bush. She's such a fool that she has become a media darling, of sorts. The media loves freaks. And likes to focus on 'em. Because they are so extreme. So unusual. Albeit, the unusual is becoming the usual in Washington. Anyway, there's a strong move afoot in my congressional district to unseat Bachmann in the November election. It's gonna be interesting to watch. I'll go to the polls and vote for Bachmann's opponent. I'd love to see Bachmann lose by one vote. I'd get smug satisfaction from the thought that my vote was decisive in bringing down Michelle Bachmann. --Jim Broede

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