Saturday, October 9, 2010

Maybe I'm a mean S.O.B.

Generally, I'm a compassionate and understanding sort of guy. But I've never been very sympathetic when it comes to drug addicts. And people with negative compulsive disorders. I know they have diseases. But the kind of diseases that can be dealt with. Effectively. In treatment. They can go in for the cure, so to speak. But many of 'em don't. I've had close acquaintances addicted to drugs. From alcohol and nicotine to the more lethal illegal drugs. I know that when they are under the influence, it does no good to talk to 'em. Even when they are sober, talking and reasoning usually does no good. So I've written off many of 'em. Including members of my own family at times. I wish we had a system in the USA that forced many addicts into treatment. Instead, many of 'em end up in prison. To me, that's the real lack of compassion. As a society, we should do more to see that addicts get treatment rather than prison. But then, I have to admit that I could show more compassion. For the addicts in my life. But I often fall short. And maybe that makes me a mean S.O.B. --Jim Broede

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