Sunday, October 17, 2010

I'll walk & think as I please.

I think religion is wishful thinking. And that wishful thinking is good. I consider myself a wishful thinker. But not particularly religious. I'm more spiritual than religious. I was brought up as a Christian. But I'm not a Christian. Because I'm too independent to be a Christian or for that matter to be a member of any organized religion. I'm a free spirit, of sorts. A free-thinker. I believe in the concept of god. But I can't fully define god. God is moreorless an abstract thought. A wishful thought. I believe in an afterlife. Because I want to believe. I wish to believe. Because I am a romantic. And that's the romantic thing to do. I certainly believe in love. And maybe that's what god is. Pure love. Unconditional love. So in addition to being a free-thinker, I'm trying to be a lover. I think that would please the god of love. Meanwhile, I'm leery of organized religions because they have too many members. Professing pretty much the same credo. As if mankind must be turned into robots. Everybody thinking the same thing. Having the exact same wishes. No, that's alien to me. I find that hard to accept. I don't like to walk in lockstep. I'll walk as I please. Or not walk at all. --Jim Broede

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