Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'm capable of virtually anything.

I love to brood. That's what I do here most of the time. Yes, I brood. But rarely in a negative vein. Brooding is generally thought of as a lament. But I'm seldom sad. And I really don't feel like lamenting. So I'm redefining the word 'brooding.' To mean whatever it is that I do. And half of the time, darn if I even know. Brooding makes me feel good. It lifts my spirits. Keeps me out of depression. I recommend that people in depression try to work their way out. By brooding. Daily. If they get the same results as me, they'll be happy and no longer in depression. I think I'm even capable of brooding joyfully. Some people will doubt that's possible. But hey, they don't know me. I'm capable of virtually anything. --Jim Broede

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