Monday, October 25, 2010

Making a fool of myself. In Italian.

Hard as I try, I can't correctly pronounce the name of the city Cagliari. It's the capitol city of Sardinia. My Italian girlfriend is trying to teach me the way to say Cagliari like an Italian. In a suave manner. I think I make it sound like an Irish city. But if I am to talk like an Italian, I may be in danger of dislocating my jaw. I have to move my jaw and tongue into awkward positions. Ones I'm not used to. But I have vowed to do whatever it takes. To not only master Cagliari, but many other Italian words. I have been let off easy. Because my girlfriend teaches English and English literature. She speaks English with a beautiful accent. Doesn't sound like a typical American Italian accent. Maybe that's because she learned much of her English in Great Britain. Meanwhile, I have a goal. That I'll be able to write a thread in my blog in the Italian language. By the time I return to Minnesota. After spending this winter in Sardinia. Of course, I will never become a master of the language. But I'll at least be able to make a fool of myself. In imperfect Italian. --Jim Broede

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