Thursday, October 14, 2010

The making of a racist society.

I am more convinced than ever that we have a racist society in America. Doesn't necessarily mean that most of us our racists. Only that a big number of us are capable of being sympathizers of the Ku Klux Klan. And maybe even of the Nazis. And we would have been comfortable living in the South Africa of a generation ago. I sense that there's an underlying hatred of Barack Obama in America. Not necessarily expressed by a majority. But by a minority that can sway an election and make life difficult for Obama and anyone who isn't white. People will say they dislike or despise and even hate Obama because of his political stands or because they doubt that he was even born in America. But the real reason is his blackness. Even though it's a light shade. After all, he had a white mother. Only a black father. But that makes him persona non grata with white racists. They fume that this man made it all the way to the White House. Which really is a credit to the non-racists amongst us. Decent people may even be a majority in the USA. But many of us too often stay home on election day. And we allow racists and lunatic fringe Republicans to carry the day. And that's what makes us a racist society. --Jim Broede

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