Saturday, October 30, 2010

My idea of fairness.

I'm as far to the left as some Republicans are far to the right. But there's a big difference between us. I'm willing, for the sake of compromise and for the sake of the nation, to meet in the middle. For solutions to our political, economic and social problems. The far right isn't. Take Michelle Bachmann, for instance. Or Glenn Beck. Or Rush Limbaugh. Or Ann Coulter. Or Newt Gingrich. Or Sarah Palin. They ain't gonna move one inch. They want everything their way. All or nothing. And so let them have nothing. I want give and take. Movement on both sides. If you give a yard, I'll give a yard. I want a liberal agenda. But I know that not everybody wants a liberal agenda. So for the time being, I'm willing to negotiate. In an effort to be fair. I don't want government to be gridlocked. I want things done to make America prosper. I want a narrowing of the gap between the rich and poor. I want affordable health care for everyone. I want good and decent public education for everyone. I want jobs for everyone. I want a better infrastructure. I want it all. But I know I'm not gonna get it all. But I want something that moves us closer to my ideal America. I don't want what the ultra conservatives would give us. But hey, I'm willing to take some of it. If the ultra-conservatives will take some of what I want. Let's meet half way. That sounds fair to me. --Jim Broede

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