Saturday, October 30, 2010

One can hope they lose big time.

Americans go to the polls Tuesday. To pick their political leaders. I'll be among those that make the trek. But my heart won't be in it. Primarily, I'm going to try to make a difference. That my vote defeats Michele Bachmann, my decrepit congresswoman. She's a disgrace. Just about everything I abhor in a politician. On the far, far right. She's already plunged over the cliff. And it annoys me that see keeps getting elected and re-elected. Here in Minnesota. Considered a blue state. Full of relatively liberal people. But my congressional district isn't typical Minnesota. We have lots of goofy and filthy rich people. Down the road from me are two multi-million dollar mansions. You won't find a single lawn sign for a Democrat. You'll find lots of Michelle Bachmann signs. I'd like to go out in the middle of the night. And pee on each one of the signs. But I won't. I'm too cultured for that. I'll just vote for Bachmann's opponent. A woman named Taryl Clark. Watch for the results. I'm a pessimist. I'll probably deliver the only vote for Clark in my entire neighborhood. Meanwhile, my neighbor up the road, Jackie McNamara, is running for mayor of Forest Lake. Other neighbors were out campaigning for McNamara yesterday. One waved me down while riding my bike. And gave me McNamara literature. Which proclaimed McNamara was a strict conservative. I asked if she was as conservative as Bachmann. Yes, everyone proudly assured me. As if that should be the clincher, the strong selling point. The reason for me to vote for McNamara. I felt like declaring, 'Hell, no, I won't vote for a damn conservative.' Instead, I announced that I'm a socialist. Some of 'em didn't believe me. They thought I'd vote for McNamara merely because she's a neighbor. Oh, I'd love to wake on Wednesday morning. To learn that Bachmann and McNamara lost. Big time. --Jim Broede

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