Monday, October 18, 2010

No panic when I'm in love.

I know people that panic. That imagine catastrophes are gonna happen. Because things don't go right in their lives. Instead of staying calm, they get rattled. They don't stop to think. Don't stop to find solutions to their problems. They assume that the worst is gonna happen. And that they can't do anything about it. Yes, they become defeatist. Kind of hard to be with these people. Because they'll reject my optimism. They call me a Pollyanna. Suggesting that I'm naive. That I don't have a good grasp of reality. And that if I did, I'd panic, too. But that ain't so. I've encountered many problems, many dilemmas in my days. Most of 'em got solved satisfactorily. Those that didn't -- well, they weren't life and death matters. So I accepted the outcomes. And got on with life. Funny thing about me. In some matters, such as love, I take great risk. I'll do almost anything for the sake of love. Because I'm a romantic. I'm even willing to make a fool of myself. Maybe that's one reason why I never panic. I'm not afraid to be a fool. Yes, a fool in love. Another thing. When I'm in love, I'm happy. And tend to feel secure. So if something goes awry in my life, I'm able to take it in stride. Without panicking. Because I have better things to do. Such as focusing on my love interest. Love always takes priority. --Jim Broede

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