Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The worship of money.

I think I know what's wrong with the economy. Capitalism. American-style capitalism. It's corrupt. Exploitive. Making the rich richer and the poor poorer. But most Americans seem to think that's a good thing. So we ain't gonna change. We are just gonna hold on to the same old capitalist ways. Americans have this dream. Of getting rich. Of having lots of money. That's the main purpose of life. The belief that money can buy happiness. That it can even buy love. All the essentials of life. That money can even buy power. One can manipulate others. Even government. If only one has money. It's really hard denying any of this stuff. Money does make some people happy. Even though they use the money to make other people unhappy. That's possible, I suppose. Merely by dousing one's conscience. By concluding that inequality is all right. That exploitation is a virtue. And that the real enemy of mankind is socialism. Because it advocates redistribution of wealth. In essence, making the rich less rich and the poor less poor. Seems like a novel concept. The idea of working for the common good rather than the individual good. Which is the theme of many religions. But there seems to be one dominant religion that turns such a concept on its head. It's called capitalism. The worship of money. --Jim Broede

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