Monday, October 4, 2010

Savoring the best of two worlds.

The more I think ahead, the more I worry. And become pessimistic. Because if one thinks far enough ahead, one ultimately envisions one's own demise. One's death. The end to life. And dying may not be pleasant. So, to be happy, one shouldn't get too far ahead of one's self. I want to live fully now. Today. Because 20 years from now, the odds are that I won't be around. I will be no more. Oh, I'm not gonna lament over it. Because I have no choice. Death is a part of life. But I don't want to dwell on my mortality. I have life now. And that's all I'm guaranteed. I'm not guaranteed tomorrow. And I'll gladly take what I can get. And be deeply appreciative of it. But I do plan a little bit ahead, I suppose. I'm gonna live with my girlfriend in Italy this winter. Sure beats Minnesota. But when summer comes, she'll live with me in Minnesota. Sure beats Italy. Yes, we're gonna savor the best of two worlds. --Jim Broede

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