Friday, October 22, 2010

So much to savor.

I never cease to be amazed by people who lament over what they don't have. Rather than savor what they do have. For instance, I know people lamenting over the death of an aged parent. They go into a funk. Into depression. When they still have a loving spouse. Someone who can give them comfort and consolation. And they have nice adult children and nice grandchildren. And a nice home. And security. And good health. Sure, it's sad to lose a parent. I lost my father to suicide. At age 38. And my mother to natural causes. At 88. I guess I lamented the loss of my father. When I was 13. But I really didn't lament my mother's death. I didn't even cry. Because she was ready to die. And she had a good and long life. I tried to put it all in perspective. When my dear Jeanne died almost 4 years ago, I grieved. But eventually, I got on with life. Because I had so much to savor. Maybe that's the saving grace in life. So much to savor. --Jim Broede

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