Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why we are in big trouble.

Where I live, in a small town in Minnesota, the local controversy is building of a round-about, at the main intersection in the downtown. No doubt, it'll improve the traffic flow. But it'll take some getting used to. And like typical Americans, there's a sizeable element in town that wants to stick to the old ways. They don't want change. They prefer that we still travel by horse and buggy. Moreorless. Anyway, I like innovation. Change. I'm more comfortable in Europe than I am in America. Of course, I still like America. I'm gonna start splitting my time between Italy and America. I'm able to appreciate the best of both countries. Actually, I wouldn't mind holding dual citizenship, in the USA and Italy. Maybe even in Germany, too. And Iceland. So many countries in the world that I've taken a liking to. I'm starting to feel like a citizen of the world. I'm not gonna have any difficulty adjusting to the round-about in Forest Lake. Because I've maneuvered on them in other parts of the world. I'm a cosmopolitan. Unfortunately, too many Americans insist on just being American. Rather than worldly. Thinking that the American way is the only way. As for me, I think America does a lot of things right. But also, a fair number of things pig-headedly wrong. Because we Americans tend to be closed-minded. We don't want to adapt. Instead, we want the rest of the world to adapt to us. Maybe that's why we are in big trouble. --Jim Broede

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